Self-Funded Treatment Prices
IVF single cycle
- HFEA fee, Nurse, Counselling
- Ultrasound scans and blood tests as required for treatment
- Surgical egg collection and sperm preparation
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (as appropriate)
- One fresh embryo transfer (with use of Embryo Glue)
- Early pregnancy ultrasound scan or one follow-up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome (within 3 months)
IVF package (Duo-stimulation
with frozen embryo cycle)
- HFEA fee (x2), Nurse, Counselling
- Ultrasound scans and blood tests as required for duo-stimulation treatment
- 2 surgical egg collections and sperm preparations
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (as appropriate – x2)
- Frozen embryo transfer (with use of Embryo Glue)
- Early pregnancy ultrasound scan or one follow-up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome (within 3 months)
IVF multicycle (two cycle package – second cycle must start within 6 months)
- HFEA fee (x2), Nurse, Counselling
- Ultrasound scans and blood tests as required for duo-stimulation treatment
- 2 surgical egg collections and sperm preparations
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (as appropriate – x2)
- Frozen embryo transfer (with use of Embryo Glue)
- Early pregnancy ultrasound scan or one follow-up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome (within 3 months)
IVF multicycle (three cycle package – cycles must be completed within 12 months)
- HFEA fee (x3), Nurse, Counselling
- Ultrasound scans and blood tests as required for three cycles
- Three surgical egg collections and sperm preparations
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (as appropriate – x3)
- Up to three fresh embryo transfers (with use of Embryo Glue)
- Early pregnancy ultrasound scan or one follow-up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome (within 3 months)
Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) cycle
- HFEA fee, Nursing, Consultation
- Ultrasound scans and blood tests as required
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (if required)
- Embryo transfer procedure (with Embryo Glue)
- Early pregnancy ultrasound scan or one follow-up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome (within 3 months)
Medicated Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
- HFEA fee, Nurse, Counselling and Medication teach
- Ultrasound scans
- Sperm preparation and IUI treatment
- Early pregnancy scan
Natural Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (No Medication)
- HFEA fee, Nurse consultation and Counselling
- Ultrasound scans
- Sperm preparation and IUI treatment
- Early pregnancy scan
- Does not include Donor sperm or importation fees.
Medicated Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) x 3
- HFEA fee (x3), Nurse, Counselling (as required)
- Sperm preparation and IUI treatment (x3)
- Early pregnancy scan, or one follow up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome following the third IUI treatment (within 3 months)
- Does not include Donor sperm or importation fees. Does not include medication.
Natural Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) (No Medication) x 3
- HFEA fee (x3), Nurse Consultation, Counselling (as required)
- Ultrasound scans (as required)
- Sperm preparation and IUI treatment (x3)
- Early pregnancy scan, or one follow up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome following the third IUI treatment (within 3 months)
- Does not include Donor sperm or importation fees.
Egg freeze 1st Cycle
- HFEA fee, Nurse consultation and Counselling
- Ultrasound scans
- Surgical egg collection
- Egg freezing and one year storage fee
- Follow-up consultation with doctor
Egg freeze 2nd Cycle
- HFEA fee, Nurse consultation and Counselling
- Ultrasound scans
- Surgical egg collection
- Egg freezing
- Follow-up consultation with doctor
Egg freeze 3rd Cycle
- HFEA fee, Nurse, Counselling and Blood tests required for treatmen
- Ultrasound scans
- Surgical egg collection
- Egg freezing
- Follow-up consultation with doctor
- Please note if you purchase either the 2 or 3 egg freeze cycle packages these must be completed within a 6 month period to take advantage of the saving.
Egg Thaw Cycle
- HFEA fee
- Ultrasound scans
- Blastocyst culture in the Embryo Scope (as appropriate)
- Embryo transfer (with use of Embryo Glue).
- Early pregnancy scan, or one follow up consultation with doctor if a negative outcome following the third IUI treatment (within 3 months).
Ovulation Induction including follicle tracking
- Initial consultation
- Ultrasound scans
- Early pregnancy scan
- (3x cycles = £900)
Ovulation Induction including follicle tracking with gonadotropins
- Initial consultation
- Nurse consultation and medication teach
- Early pregnancy scan
- Ultrasound scans
- (3x cycles = £1200)
PGT-A (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy)
- PGT-A consultation (mandatory for all patients before treatment)=£150
- PGT-A screening (price per embryo)=£300
- Prepayment of biopsy fee and testing for 2 embryos required (Part refund if no embryos tested)=£1100
- Testing of previously frozen embryos (embryo thaw, biopsy and refreeze)=£1500
PGT-M (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Monogenic Diseases)
- Genetic Counselling (Mandatory for all patients before treatment)
- PGT-M Prep Work-up (no refunds available)=£1200
- PGT-M testing (1-4 embryos)=£2000
- Testing additional embryo=£300
PGT-SR (Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements)
- Genetic Counselling (Mandatory for all patients before treatment)
- PGT-SR Robertsonian Translocation testing (price per embryo)=£300
- PGT-SR Reciprocal Translocation testing (price per embryo)=£400
- Prepayment of biopsy and testing for 4 embryos required =£2300
Fertility Check-up Package
- Consultation
- Ultrasound scans
- Hormone blood tests (AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, TSH; Prolactin if appropriate)
- Follow-up consultation
Fertility Check-up Package (same sex couple)
- Consultation
- Ultrasound scans
- Hormone blood tests (AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, TSH; Prolactin if appropriate)
- Follow-up consultation
Fertility Check-up Package (heterosexual couple)
- Consultation
- Ultrasound scans
- Hormone blood tests (AMH, FSH, LH, Oestradiol, TSH; Prolactin if appropriate)
- Semen analysis
- Follow-up consultation
- For patients undergoing egg freeze within 6 months following the MOT, £450 will be deducted from the total cost.
Sperm Freeze
- Includes the freeze and one year storage fee (for assisted conception patients only)
Social Sperm Freeze
- Nurse consultation
- Blood tests
- Sperm freeze and one year storage fee
Additional Sperm Sample for Freezing
- This is per each sample and needs to be within a 2 month period otherwise full freeze cost will apply
Egg, Embryo and Sperm Storage
- Annual charges for either eggs, embryos or sperm (part year discount is not available)
Pregnancy Scan (For Ovulation Induction Patients & St Helier Fertility Patients only up to 10 weeks gestation)
Time-lapse video of embryo(s) transferred in fresh cycle and images of any utilised embryos if cultured in EmbryoScope incubator (not guaranteed)
Total: £0
Self-funding treatment is for those patients who are not eligible for NHS treatment
Please note that payment will need to be made in full before starting the treatment. You will be sent an invoice before starting the planned treatment.
The cost of different treatment types and items is detailed below. Please be aware that some additional treatments are NOT included in the initial price, extra costs may be incurred for one or more of the following services:
- Freezing of surplus embryos (if required)
- Semen analysis (if required)
- Additional blood tests (as required), please be aware these may not be covered in NHS cycles
Please note we provide time-lapse technologies (Embryoscope), blastocyst culture and hyaluronate enriched medium (Embryoglue) culture as standard services at no extra cost.
Get In Touch
To make an appointment with one of our doctors:
- Speak to our Patient Pathway Coordinator
- Email us
- Complete our General Enquiries form and a member of the team will be in touch.
Beginnings Assisted Conception Unit
Block E, St Helier Hospital NHS Trust
Wrythe Lane
Patient pathway coordinator:
+44 208 296 3861
Reception: +44 208 296 3860
Fertility nurses:
+44 20 8296 3862

Working Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00 -16:00
Saturday: 9:00 - 12:00 (Limited Embryology)
Request an Appointment
Appointments generally last one hour. Each appointment is tailored to your specific needs and will typically include taking a full medical history. We ask that you bring along any copies of investigations or details of treatments you may have had elsewhere. Having this information helps us give you the best possible advice.
Beginnings Assisted Conception Unit
Block E, St Helier Hospital NHS Trust
Wrythe Lane
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